Thursday, October 30, 2008
Mia is ours!
I don't know how many times people ask me if Mia is my baby, of course with a big smile I say yes because I know what comes next, Oh she must looks just like daddy or she got daddy's eyes....anyway sometimes I agree to whatever they said because I don't need to explain to them that Mia looks just like daddy with Grandpa color skin and eyes.
Our neighbor ask Kristine if we adopted Mia... yes from Heaven...
Well no matter what people think Mia is our little girl and no doubt about it, everyday day she looks more like us, she loves to kick the ball and read books just like daddy and she loves shoes and purses just like mommy.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Grandparents in Town
Stephen's parents came to visit us from Utah, We have so much fun with them, especially Mia Grammy and Honey ( grandpa) will take Mia for a walk, shopping, park, they know how to have fun..
Our favorite thing that we did all of us together was going to the Medieval times at Arundel Mills Mall, We ate with our hands while watching the tournament of the knights, a royal falcon soaring over our heads, lots of jousting, swordsmanship, thrilling hand-to-hand combat and horsemanship, We love it, Mia favorites part was watching the falcon while making the bird sing.
Mom and Dad know how to spoiled us, taking us to eat out and shopping almost everyday, We enjoyed having them here, please come again soon!!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Mia is 18th months old!!!
I can't believe how fast the time went my baby is a tootler and she goes officially to nursery ( she was going since she was 13th months old because her bf Maddox was in it), she learned a lot since she was born, learned how to eat, smile, sit, crawl, walk, talk, run..etc, these past 2 weeks she is learning to be potty train, it's no official yet but every morning we put her on her little Elmo's potty and she goes pee, when she is done she starts clapping and we clap with her.
she has a lot of words on her vocabulary most of then is in spanish ( mommy's first language), the ones that she says it in english are the ones that is hard to say it in spanish.
No puedo creer cuan rapido el tiempo se mi bebe ya no es bebe mas y va a guarderia oficialmente ( ella iba porque su mejor amigo maddox estaba alli), ella aprendio mucho desde que nacio, aprendio a comer, sentarse, sonreir, gatear, camimar, correr, hablar, etc..estas semanas esta aprendiendo a pedir ir al bano, aun no es una experta, pero cada manana la ponemos en su banito chico de Elmo y ella hace pipi, al terminar le aplaudimos.
Tiene muchas palabras en su vocabulario ahora, muchas de ella en espanol y algunas de ellas en ingles ya que es mas facil decirlo en ingles que espanol.
Las palabras favoritas de Mia :
Mia's favorite word's :
mami - mommy
da y- daddy
Teta - nurse
Agua - water
nan nan - comida(food)
ugo - juice(jugo)
ava - grape(uva)
evo - huevo(egg)
nana - platano(banana)
able - open(abre)
ball - pelota
up - arriba
down - abajo
hot - caliente
baba - baby
ven- come
patu - zapatos(shoes)
odan - se acabo(all done)
Bambi - bambi
Elmo - Elmo
mem - amen
These are the words that I hear probably 50 times a day, but she says more words or at least she is trying to.
At 18th months old she likes to play at the park with her friends, go shopping with mommy, her favorites sections are purses and shoes( just like mommy), she can hold up to 5 purses, wow that's a talent and she can walk on heels better than me.
Did I mention she a great dancer? well she dance to every music she hears that includes cellphones ring tones.
We are enjoying Mia every single second and learning a lot from her.
Estas sonlas palabras que escucho por lo menos 50 veces al dia, pero ella tiene mas palabras que dice o trata de decir
A sus 18 meses, le gusta jugar en el parque con sus amigos, ir de compras con mami y su seccion favorita es el de las carteras y zapatos, ella puede tener hasta 5 carteras al mismo tiempo, eso es talento..y puede caminar en tacos mejor que yo.
Olvide de mencionar que es una bailarina? bueno ella baila a cada musica que escucha y eso incluye cuando el cellular esta timbrando.
Estamos disfrutando de Mia cada segundo y aprendiendo de mucho de ella.
she has a lot of words on her vocabulary most of then is in spanish ( mommy's first language), the ones that she says it in english are the ones that is hard to say it in spanish.
No puedo creer cuan rapido el tiempo se mi bebe ya no es bebe mas y va a guarderia oficialmente ( ella iba porque su mejor amigo maddox estaba alli), ella aprendio mucho desde que nacio, aprendio a comer, sentarse, sonreir, gatear, camimar, correr, hablar, etc..estas semanas esta aprendiendo a pedir ir al bano, aun no es una experta, pero cada manana la ponemos en su banito chico de Elmo y ella hace pipi, al terminar le aplaudimos.
Tiene muchas palabras en su vocabulario ahora, muchas de ella en espanol y algunas de ellas en ingles ya que es mas facil decirlo en ingles que espanol.
Las palabras favoritas de Mia :
Mia's favorite word's :
mami - mommy
da y- daddy
Teta - nurse
Agua - water
nan nan - comida(food)
ugo - juice(jugo)
ava - grape(uva)
evo - huevo(egg)
nana - platano(banana)
able - open(abre)
ball - pelota
up - arriba
down - abajo
hot - caliente
baba - baby
ven- come
patu - zapatos(shoes)
odan - se acabo(all done)
Bambi - bambi
Elmo - Elmo
mem - amen
These are the words that I hear probably 50 times a day, but she says more words or at least she is trying to.
At 18th months old she likes to play at the park with her friends, go shopping with mommy, her favorites sections are purses and shoes( just like mommy), she can hold up to 5 purses, wow that's a talent and she can walk on heels better than me.
Did I mention she a great dancer? well she dance to every music she hears that includes cellphones ring tones.
We are enjoying Mia every single second and learning a lot from her.
Estas sonlas palabras que escucho por lo menos 50 veces al dia, pero ella tiene mas palabras que dice o trata de decir
A sus 18 meses, le gusta jugar en el parque con sus amigos, ir de compras con mami y su seccion favorita es el de las carteras y zapatos, ella puede tener hasta 5 carteras al mismo tiempo, eso es talento..y puede caminar en tacos mejor que yo.
Olvide de mencionar que es una bailarina? bueno ella baila a cada musica que escucha y eso incluye cuando el cellular esta timbrando.
Estamos disfrutando de Mia cada segundo y aprendiendo de mucho de ella.
Friday, September 5, 2008
All about me!
thanks Jenna for tagging me, you know how much I love to talk about myself...
gracias Jenna por darme este cuestionario, sabes bien que me gusta hablar de mi misma..
Where were you born? La Libertad-Peru
Donde nacistes? La Libertad-Peru
Middle name? Nadia and I love it...
Segundo nombre? Nadia y me encanta...
How old will you be this year? 26 but for everybody else 25 for a couple of more years
Cuantos anos tendras este ano? 26, pero para los demas tendre 25 por un par de anos mas.
Nicknames? no really, some of my friends in Peru used to call me poky ( for pocahontas) when I had long hair then I cut it off really short..
Sobrenombres? No, bueno cuando tenia el cabello largo algunos amigos me llamaban pocahontas, pero luego me corte el cabello muy corto.
Are you taller than your mother or father? No, maybe an inch taller than my mom.
Eres mas alta que tu mama y papa? No, talvez un centimetro mas grande que mi mama.
Do you cry often during movies? Yes, I try it to hold it most of the time, but some times I cry just remembering it.
Lloras mirando peliculas? Si, trato de no hacerlo pero a veces lloro recordandolas.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People honking at me.
Algo que te moleste mucho? Cuando la gente toca el claxon del carro.
Favorite color(s)? purple, green and white
Color favorito? lila, verde y blanco
Favorite food(s)? my mommy's, indian and mexican food. My favorite drink is pasion fruit juice ( the real one)
Comida favorita? La de mi mami, comida india y mexicana. Mi bebiba favorita es jugo de maracuya.
Favorite restaurants? The Roof, Benihana and of course Panera.
Restauranes favoritos? El Roof (en la ciudad de lago salado), Benihana, Panera y el chifa de chepen...
Favorite smells? Fresh baked bread, I like how smell after it rain, basil and sour flavors.
Olor favorito? El pan salido del horno, la tierra despues de llover, la albaca y los olores acidos.
Favorite time of the day? when Mia is taking a nap.
Tiempo favorito del dia? Cuando Mia esta tomando una siesta.
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Deepshine, and I love it.
Que marca de champu y acondicionador usas? Deepshine y me encanta.
What brand of make-up products? Origins( just because I used to work there), clinique and target brand.
Que marca de maquillaje usas? Origins, porque solia trabajar alli, pero tambien clinique y algunos que venden en target.
How many pillows do you sleep with? just 1
Con cuantas almohadas duermes? con 1
Do you play an instrument? No
Tocas algun instrumento? No
Have you ever been skinny dipping? No
Did you play any sports in High School? No really, I did a little bit of soccer, drill and colorguard( it's that a sport?)
Jugastes algun deporte en la escuela? Realmente no, por poco tiempo jugue futbol, lo que hacia todos los anos era marchar, se considera eso como deporte? ah y tambien hice drill por 2 anos.
What was the last movie you saw in the theatre? Batman ( imax), the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2.
Cual fue la ultima pelicula que has visto? Batman
What is your favorite article of clothing? I don't really dress up a lot, I like comfy and cute clothing, flip flops, I try to dress a little bit up for church.
Cual es tu ropa preferida? Realmente no tengo ninguna, me gusta vestir confortable pero bonito, me gusta usar sandalias mucho y trato de vestirme un poco elegante para ir a la capilla.
What is your dream vacation? Somewhere relaxing with beaches or lakes, somewhere when I don't have to worry about traffic.
Cual es tu vacacion sonada? Algun lugar relajante con playa o un lago, un lugar donde no tenga que preocuparme por el trafico.
What was your first impression of your spouse?"He dances kind of funny", we were friends for 2 years before we start dating, actually at one point He was my best friend, and he still is.
Cual fue la primera impresion que tuvistes de tu esposo? " Baila medio chistoso" despues fuimos amigos por 2 anos antes de comprometernos, fue y sigue siendo mi mejor amigo.
If you were an animal, what would you be? A bird, I love the idea of flying, sometimes I dream myself flying.
Si fueras un animal cual serias? Un Ave, me gusta la idea de volar y aveces sueno con eso.
What is your dream car? I don't have one
Cual es tu carro sonado? No tengo ninguno.
What is one of your weaknesses? Judging
Cual es tu debilidad? Juzgar.
What do you fix for dinner when there is nothing to fix? rice (cooked in the rice cooker) and a fried egg.
Que haces para comer cuando no tienes nada para hacer? Arroz (cocinado en la olla arrozera) con huevo frito.
If you could live in a different decade/era what would it be? I have to say the Inca time, just because I wish I could have lived in Machupicchu
Si pudieras vivir en alguna epoca, cual seria? En el tiempo de los Incas, porque me hubiera gustado vivir en Machupicchu.
What is the emotion you feel the most? Happy
Cual es el sentimiento que sientes mas? Me siento feliz.
Do you consider yourself outgoing? Yes, ask my friends.
Te consideras alguien chevere? Si, sino pregunta a mis amigos
What is something you are constantly working on? Cleaning and organizing.
Que cosa haces constantemente? Limpiar y Ordenar.
Any hidden talents? I can take a shower in 3 min.
Algun talento escondido? Puedo banarme en 3 minutos.
What is a word or phrase you overuse? "LIKE" (ex: oh you mean LIKE that time when...., ooh I LIKE this)
Que palabra o frase usas frecuente? "Mas vale perder un minuto en la vida que la vida en un minuto"
What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? A phone call telling me that my abuelito Valentin was in coma.
Cual fue la cosa mas dura en el pasado ano? Recibir una llamada en que me decian que mi abuelito Valentin estaba en coma.
What is the best thing that has happened to you this past year? We went to Peru to celebrate Mia's 1st b-day and my abuelito Valentin 82nd b-day.
Que es lo mejor que te ha pasado este ano? Fuimos a Peru y celebramos el primer ano de Mia y tambien el cumple de mi abuelito valentin, cumplio 82
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year? Pay off our car
Que es lo que esperas lograr este ano? Pagar mi carro.
The best piece of advise you learned this past year? Enjoying the little and simple thing.
Que aprendiste este ano? A disfrutar de las simples y pequenas cosas.
gracias Jenna por darme este cuestionario, sabes bien que me gusta hablar de mi misma..
Where were you born? La Libertad-Peru
Donde nacistes? La Libertad-Peru
Middle name? Nadia and I love it...
Segundo nombre? Nadia y me encanta...
How old will you be this year? 26 but for everybody else 25 for a couple of more years
Cuantos anos tendras este ano? 26, pero para los demas tendre 25 por un par de anos mas.
Nicknames? no really, some of my friends in Peru used to call me poky ( for pocahontas) when I had long hair then I cut it off really short..
Sobrenombres? No, bueno cuando tenia el cabello largo algunos amigos me llamaban pocahontas, pero luego me corte el cabello muy corto.
Are you taller than your mother or father? No, maybe an inch taller than my mom.
Eres mas alta que tu mama y papa? No, talvez un centimetro mas grande que mi mama.
Do you cry often during movies? Yes, I try it to hold it most of the time, but some times I cry just remembering it.
Lloras mirando peliculas? Si, trato de no hacerlo pero a veces lloro recordandolas.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People honking at me.
Algo que te moleste mucho? Cuando la gente toca el claxon del carro.
Favorite color(s)? purple, green and white
Color favorito? lila, verde y blanco
Favorite food(s)? my mommy's, indian and mexican food. My favorite drink is pasion fruit juice ( the real one)
Comida favorita? La de mi mami, comida india y mexicana. Mi bebiba favorita es jugo de maracuya.
Favorite restaurants? The Roof, Benihana and of course Panera.
Restauranes favoritos? El Roof (en la ciudad de lago salado), Benihana, Panera y el chifa de chepen...
Favorite smells? Fresh baked bread, I like how smell after it rain, basil and sour flavors.
Olor favorito? El pan salido del horno, la tierra despues de llover, la albaca y los olores acidos.
Favorite time of the day? when Mia is taking a nap.
Tiempo favorito del dia? Cuando Mia esta tomando una siesta.
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Deepshine, and I love it.
Que marca de champu y acondicionador usas? Deepshine y me encanta.
What brand of make-up products? Origins( just because I used to work there), clinique and target brand.
Que marca de maquillaje usas? Origins, porque solia trabajar alli, pero tambien clinique y algunos que venden en target.
How many pillows do you sleep with? just 1
Con cuantas almohadas duermes? con 1
Do you play an instrument? No
Tocas algun instrumento? No
Have you ever been skinny dipping? No
Did you play any sports in High School? No really, I did a little bit of soccer, drill and colorguard( it's that a sport?)
Jugastes algun deporte en la escuela? Realmente no, por poco tiempo jugue futbol, lo que hacia todos los anos era marchar, se considera eso como deporte? ah y tambien hice drill por 2 anos.
What was the last movie you saw in the theatre? Batman ( imax), the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2.
Cual fue la ultima pelicula que has visto? Batman
What is your favorite article of clothing? I don't really dress up a lot, I like comfy and cute clothing, flip flops, I try to dress a little bit up for church.
Cual es tu ropa preferida? Realmente no tengo ninguna, me gusta vestir confortable pero bonito, me gusta usar sandalias mucho y trato de vestirme un poco elegante para ir a la capilla.
What is your dream vacation? Somewhere relaxing with beaches or lakes, somewhere when I don't have to worry about traffic.
Cual es tu vacacion sonada? Algun lugar relajante con playa o un lago, un lugar donde no tenga que preocuparme por el trafico.
What was your first impression of your spouse?"He dances kind of funny", we were friends for 2 years before we start dating, actually at one point He was my best friend, and he still is.
Cual fue la primera impresion que tuvistes de tu esposo? " Baila medio chistoso" despues fuimos amigos por 2 anos antes de comprometernos, fue y sigue siendo mi mejor amigo.
If you were an animal, what would you be? A bird, I love the idea of flying, sometimes I dream myself flying.
Si fueras un animal cual serias? Un Ave, me gusta la idea de volar y aveces sueno con eso.
What is your dream car? I don't have one
Cual es tu carro sonado? No tengo ninguno.
What is one of your weaknesses? Judging
Cual es tu debilidad? Juzgar.
What do you fix for dinner when there is nothing to fix? rice (cooked in the rice cooker) and a fried egg.
Que haces para comer cuando no tienes nada para hacer? Arroz (cocinado en la olla arrozera) con huevo frito.
If you could live in a different decade/era what would it be? I have to say the Inca time, just because I wish I could have lived in Machupicchu
Si pudieras vivir en alguna epoca, cual seria? En el tiempo de los Incas, porque me hubiera gustado vivir en Machupicchu.
What is the emotion you feel the most? Happy
Cual es el sentimiento que sientes mas? Me siento feliz.
Do you consider yourself outgoing? Yes, ask my friends.
Te consideras alguien chevere? Si, sino pregunta a mis amigos
What is something you are constantly working on? Cleaning and organizing.
Que cosa haces constantemente? Limpiar y Ordenar.
Any hidden talents? I can take a shower in 3 min.
Algun talento escondido? Puedo banarme en 3 minutos.
What is a word or phrase you overuse? "LIKE" (ex: oh you mean LIKE that time when...., ooh I LIKE this)
Que palabra o frase usas frecuente? "Mas vale perder un minuto en la vida que la vida en un minuto"
What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? A phone call telling me that my abuelito Valentin was in coma.
Cual fue la cosa mas dura en el pasado ano? Recibir una llamada en que me decian que mi abuelito Valentin estaba en coma.
What is the best thing that has happened to you this past year? We went to Peru to celebrate Mia's 1st b-day and my abuelito Valentin 82nd b-day.
Que es lo mejor que te ha pasado este ano? Fuimos a Peru y celebramos el primer ano de Mia y tambien el cumple de mi abuelito valentin, cumplio 82
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year? Pay off our car
Que es lo que esperas lograr este ano? Pagar mi carro.
The best piece of advise you learned this past year? Enjoying the little and simple thing.
Que aprendiste este ano? A disfrutar de las simples y pequenas cosas.
Sunday, August 17, 2008
25 days in Utah
We had a lot of fun in Utah with our family.
Mia hang out with grandpa (sometimes called honey or bamba ) and grammy and she was spoiled every second there.
Tuvimos unas vacaciones divertidas en Utah, Mia jugo con sus abuelitos y cada segundo fue ingreida por ellos.
Estas son las cosas que hicimos en Utah:
These are that things that we did there :
Famer's market-Fuimos al mercado de los campesinos
Dancing @ Karamba-Nos fuimos a bailar al Karamba
Pionner's Parade-El corso de los Pioneros
Pionner's concert with the Osmonds at the Conference Center-Un concierto con los Osmonds en el centro de conferencias
Thanksgiving Point-Fuimos al jardin de Thanksgiving point
Real Salt Lake Game ( we won)-Al partido de futbol del Real Salt Lake
Park City Outlet Mall-A un centro de compras en Park City
Kayaking at Provo River-Kayaking al rio de Provo
Seven Peaks ( water park)-Al parque de agua 7 peaks
The Great Salt Lake-Al Gran lago salado
Art Festival at Park City-A un festival de arte en Park City
Swiming pool @ Amy's place-A la piscina en casa de Amy
Dinner with family almost every day-A cenar con la familia casi todos los dias
We celebrate our Anniversity at the Roof Restaurant-Celebramos nuestro 5 anos de casados en el restaurant The Roof
Stephen drove his Mazda Miata to remember old times-Stephen manejo su carro deportivo para recordar viejos tiempos
Silver Lake- De paseo por un lago en el caƱon
We got a hair cut-Nos cortamos el cabello
We watch a lot of movies ( Batman, the sisterhood of the traveling pants, Nim's island, etc )-Miramos muchas peliculas como Batman, etc
Stephen practiced every day at the dental office-Steve practico en una oficina dental todos los dias
Now we are back to our normal lives, school for steve and hang out at the park for Mia and I.
Ahora estamos de regreso en casa, Stephen estudiando y Mia y yo jugando en el parque.
Monday, July 14, 2008
2 Fun weeks
We had so much fun with our friend the Tanigawas that were visiting from L.A. It was nice to hang out like the old times, the girls went for a pedicure, ate at our favorite restaurant Panera, went for a walk at Georgetown Mall, went to an Amish bakery went to the Zoo and watched a movie, the guys stayed up late playing video games (FIFA and Wii). We all had a great time together.
On July 4th was Mia's bf b-day and we celebrated swimming and eating cupcakes.
Mia and Nadia went to Atlanta to visit the Watsons and for our nephew Joseph's blessing, they went to a lake, swimming pool, outlet mall and downtown Atlanta. Mia played with her cousin Kate and her friend Ethan, they favorite thing to do was jumping in to the swimming pool.
Nuestros amigos los Tanigawas vinieron a visitarnos desde LA, recordamos viejos tiempos, las chicas fuimos hacernos la pedicure, comimos en nuestro restaurante preferido Panera, de paseo por Georgetown, a una panaderia de los Amish( es una religion que no usa electricidad), fuimos al zoologico y vimos algunas peliculas, mientras que los chicos solo jugaron video juegos de futbol, pero todos nos divertimos a nuestra manerta.
El 4 de julio se celebra la independencia de los Estados Unidos y tambien es el cumpleanos del mejor amigo de Mia su nombre es Maddox, asi que lo celebramos en la piscina y comiendo torta.
Mia y yo fuimos a Atlanta a visitar a los Watsons y tambien por la bendion de mi sobrino Joseph, Mia se divirtio jugando con su prima Kate y su amigo Ethan.
Friday, May 30, 2008
Mia's week
My favorites things to do on the week are: go to the park, play in the playground, go for a walk and kiss my dolls and it's even funner when my friends are there.
Mis cosas favoritas para hacer en la semana son: ir al parque, ir a caminar, besar a mis munecas y me divierto aun mas si mis amigos estan conmigo.
Mia little dancer
Guess who is dancing now?
Our little star Mia is dancing, like a Pro.
She gets her moves from Mommy.
Adivinen quien esta bailando ahora? Si Mia esta bailando como toda una profesional, aprendio de la mejor, su mama claro.
Our little star Mia is dancing, like a Pro.
She gets her moves from Mommy.
Adivinen quien esta bailando ahora? Si Mia esta bailando como toda una profesional, aprendio de la mejor, su mama claro.
Mia's b-day party in MD
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Mia in Peru
I had so much fun down in Peru, my favorite part was walking on the beach and been spoiled by my Abuelitos.
We celebrate my 1st b-day party there. I had so much fun dancing with my amigos.
I met my only one great grandpa, He has so many stories about my mami, we celebrate his 82nd b-day in a Hawaiian style.
Me diverti mucho en Peru, mi parte favorita fue estar con mis abuelitos quienes me ingrieron mucho.Celebramos mi primer anito alli, ese dia baile mucho con mis amigos, tambien estuve para la fiesta de mi abuelito Valentin quien celebro sus 82 anos, al estilo hawaiano.
Friday, May 23, 2008
Niagara Falls
Stephen finished his 3rd year of dental school and we celebrated by going to Palmyra and Niagara Falls, we couldn't have done it without Mia the Navigator.
Stephen termino su 3 ano de la escuela dental, asi que para celebrarlo fuimos de paseo a Palmyra y las cataratas del Niagara en Nueve York. No hubieramos llegado nunca si no fuera por la ayuda de Mia quien fue nuestra guia.
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