Sunday, May 25, 2008

Mia in Peru

I had so much fun down in Peru, my favorite part was walking on the beach and been spoiled by my Abuelitos.
We celebrate my 1st b-day party there. I had so much fun dancing with my amigos.
I met my only one great grandpa, He has so many stories about my mami, we celebrate his 82nd b-day in a Hawaiian style.
Me diverti mucho en Peru, mi parte favorita fue estar con mis abuelitos quienes me ingrieron mucho.Celebramos mi primer anito alli, ese dia baile mucho con mis amigos, tambien estuve para la fiesta de mi abuelito Valentin quien celebro sus 82 anos, al estilo hawaiano.


giff.jenna.maddox.jordi nielsen said...

Look at you Nadia, you pro blogger! I am so proud of you! The pics you posted are so cute! I'm sure everyone will love seeing how you guys spent your time over in Peru! Keep posting because I love checking blogs!

Mer said...

Hey Barkers! Love your blog! Wow, your family is quite the travelers. By the way, it's us the Lams! Okay, it's actually me (Mer), but I'm representing the fam. How are you guys? Wow, it's been a while since you came to Hawaii, right? We had fun with you guys. We're actually going to be in Maryland June 25-July 9. We def. need to hook up! We have a blog too:
Our blog is set to private. I think I invited you to view our blog. If not email me your email you use to log into blogger (merduslam(at)gmail(dot)com). We look forward to hearing from you. Oh yes, and we added you to our friend list. I hope that's ok. Well, hope to hear from you soon! Love and aloha, Rett, Mer, and Kainoa :o)

Trisha said...

Cute blog Nadia! Peru looks like it was awesome. I miss our ward.... keep updating with lots of pictures!

Sheena said...

NADIA!!! Mi amiga! I cannot believe how cute Mia is and how awesome her party in Peru (and Maryland) was. How cool. We love you guys FOREVA!!