Monday, July 14, 2008

2 Fun weeks

We had so much fun with our friend the Tanigawas that were visiting from L.A. It was nice to hang out like the old times, the girls went for a pedicure, ate at our favorite restaurant Panera, went for a walk at Georgetown Mall, went to an Amish bakery went to the Zoo and watched a movie, the guys stayed up late playing video games (FIFA and Wii). We all had a great time together.
On July 4th was Mia's bf b-day and we celebrated swimming and eating cupcakes.
Mia and Nadia went to Atlanta to visit the Watsons and for our nephew Joseph's blessing, they went to a lake, swimming pool, outlet mall and downtown Atlanta. Mia played with her cousin Kate and her friend Ethan, they favorite thing to do was jumping in to the swimming pool.
Nuestros amigos los Tanigawas vinieron a visitarnos desde LA, recordamos viejos tiempos, las chicas fuimos hacernos la pedicure, comimos en nuestro restaurante preferido Panera, de paseo por Georgetown, a una panaderia de los Amish( es una religion que no usa electricidad), fuimos al zoologico y vimos algunas peliculas, mientras que los chicos solo jugaron video juegos de futbol, pero todos nos divertimos a nuestra manerta.
El 4 de julio se celebra la independencia de los Estados Unidos y tambien es el cumpleanos del mejor amigo de Mia su nombre es Maddox, asi que lo celebramos en la piscina y comiendo torta.
Mia y yo fuimos a Atlanta a visitar a los Watsons y tambien por la bendion de mi sobrino Joseph, Mia se divirtio jugando con su prima Kate y su amigo Ethan.


giff.jenna.maddox.jordi nielsen said...

Loved you post! Glad you had a fun two weeks and glad we were a part of some of it! Can you believe that when we first met we were just ladies and now WE'RE MOMS! Hot, fun, cool, totally awesome moms! I love being moms together! You're the best! I don't know what I'll do without you!

Mer said...

I'm so glad we got too see you guys within those two weeks. So fun! I'm glad you guys had a good time. Love the pictures.

Sheena said...

Nadia! You have to send me those pictures. I'm so bummed I don't have any of Jenna and Maddox! You guys were the best and I love you for spending time with me and making it feel like we never left!