Friday, September 5, 2008

All about me!

thanks Jenna for tagging me, you know how much I love to talk about myself...
gracias Jenna por darme este cuestionario, sabes bien que me gusta hablar de mi misma..
Where were you born? La Libertad-Peru
Donde nacistes? La Libertad-Peru
Middle name? Nadia and I love it...
Segundo nombre? Nadia y me encanta...
How old will you be this year? 26 but for everybody else 25 for a couple of more years

Cuantos anos tendras este ano? 26, pero para los demas tendre 25 por un par de anos mas.
Nicknames? no really, some of my friends in Peru used to call me poky ( for pocahontas) when I had long hair then I cut it off really short..
Sobrenombres? No, bueno cuando tenia el cabello largo algunos amigos me llamaban pocahontas, pero luego me corte el cabello muy corto.
Are you taller than your mother or father? No, maybe an inch taller than my mom.
Eres mas alta que tu mama y papa? No, talvez un centimetro mas grande que mi mama.
Do you cry often during movies? Yes, I try it to hold it most of the time, but some times I cry just remembering it.

Lloras mirando peliculas? Si, trato de no hacerlo pero a veces lloro recordandolas.
What is your biggest pet peeve? People honking at me.
Algo que te moleste mucho? Cuando la gente toca el claxon del carro.
Favorite color(s)? purple, green and white
Color favorito? lila, verde y blanco
Favorite food(s)? my mommy's, indian and mexican food. My favorite drink is pasion fruit juice ( the real one)

Comida favorita? La de mi mami, comida india y mexicana. Mi bebiba favorita es jugo de maracuya.
Favorite restaurants? The Roof, Benihana and of course Panera.
Restauranes favoritos? El Roof (en la ciudad de lago salado), Benihana, Panera y el chifa de chepen...
Favorite smells? Fresh baked bread, I like how smell after it rain, basil and sour flavors.
Olor favorito? El pan salido del horno, la tierra despues de llover, la albaca y los olores acidos.
Favorite time of the day? when Mia is taking a nap.
Tiempo favorito del dia? Cuando Mia esta tomando una siesta.
What brand of shampoo/conditioner do you use? Deepshine, and I love it.
Que marca de champu y acondicionador usas? Deepshine y me encanta.
What brand of make-up products? Origins( just because I used to work there), clinique and target brand.
Que marca de maquillaje usas? Origins, porque solia trabajar alli, pero tambien clinique y algunos que venden en target.
How many pillows do you sleep with? just 1
Con cuantas almohadas duermes? con 1
Do you play an instrument? No
Tocas algun instrumento? No
Have you ever been skinny dipping? No

Did you play any sports in High School? No really, I did a little bit of soccer, drill and colorguard( it's that a sport?)
Jugastes algun deporte en la escuela? Realmente no, por poco tiempo jugue futbol, lo que hacia todos los anos era marchar, se considera eso como deporte? ah y tambien hice drill por 2 anos.
What was the last movie you saw in the theatre? Batman ( imax), the sisterhood of the traveling pants 2.
Cual fue la ultima pelicula que has visto? Batman
What is your favorite article of clothing? I don't really dress up a lot, I like
comfy and cute clothing, flip flops, I try to dress a little bit up for church.
Cual es tu ropa preferida? Realmente no tengo ninguna, me gusta vestir confortable pero bonito, me gusta usar sandalias mucho y trato de vestirme un poco elegante para ir a la capilla.
What is your dream vacation? Somewhere relaxing with beaches or lakes, somewhere when I don't have to worry about traffic.

Cual es tu vacacion sonada? Algun lugar relajante con playa o un lago, un lugar donde no tenga que preocuparme por el trafico.
What was your first impression of your spouse?"He dances kind of funny", we were friends for 2 years before we start dating, actually at one point He was my best friend, and he still is.
Cual fue la primera impresion que tuvistes de tu esposo? " Baila medio chistoso" despues fuimos amigos por 2 anos antes de comprometernos, fue y sigue siendo mi mejor amigo.
If you were an animal, what would you be? A bird, I love the idea of flying, sometimes I dream myself flying.

Si fueras un animal cual serias? Un Ave, me gusta la idea de volar y aveces sueno con eso.
What is your dream car? I don't have one
Cual es tu carro sonado? No tengo ninguno.
What is one of your weaknesses? Judging
Cual es tu debilidad? Juzgar.
What do you fix for dinner when there is nothing to fix? rice (cooked in the rice cooker) and a fried egg.
Que haces para comer cuando no tienes nada para hacer? Arroz (cocinado en la olla arrozera) con huevo frito.
If you could live in a different decade/era what would it be? I have to say the Inca time, just because I wish I could have lived in Machupicchu
Si pudieras vivir en alguna epoca, cual seria? En el tiempo de los Incas, porque me hubiera gustado vivir en Machupicchu.
What is the emotion you feel the most? Happy
Cual es el sentimiento que sientes mas? Me siento feliz.
Do you consider yourself outgoing? Yes
, ask my friends.
Te consideras alguien chevere? Si, sino pregunta a mis amigos
What is something you are constantly working on? Cleaning and organizing.
Que cosa haces constantemente? Limpiar y Ordenar.
Any hidden talents? I can take a shower in 3 min.
Algun talento escondido? Puedo banarme en 3 minutos.
What is a word or phrase you overuse? "LIKE" (ex: oh you mean LIKE that time when...., ooh I LIKE this)
Que palabra o frase usas frecuente? "Mas vale perder un minuto en la vida que la vida en un minuto"
What was the hardest thing that happened to you this past year? A phone call telling me that my abuelito Valentin was in coma.
Cual fue la cosa mas dura en el pasado ano? Recibir una llamada en que me decian que mi abuelito Valentin estaba en coma.
What is the best thing that has happened to you this past year?
We went to Peru to celebrate Mia's 1st b-day and my abuelito Valentin 82nd b-day.
Que es lo mejor que te ha pasado este ano? Fuimos a Peru y celebramos el primer ano de Mia y tambien el cumple de mi abuelito valentin, cumplio 82
What is one thing you hope to accomplish this year? Pay off our car
Que es lo que esperas lograr este ano? Pagar mi carro.
The best piece of advise you learned this past year? Enjoying the little and simple thing.

Que aprendiste este ano? A disfrutar de las simples y pequenas cosas.


giff.jenna.maddox.jordi nielsen said...

Nadia, i loved reading about you! so much fun! i read it in spanish so i could practice my skills! i love that picture of you! HOT, HOT, HOT!!! See you at church!

Sheena said...

Oh, super 3 minute shower-girl! You are so awesome. I had so much fun reading your answers and I wish I could have see your Pocahontas hair and see you do colorguard!! haha love you!! I loved reading about MIA too! Lana still asks for her- "I want to go upstairs and see Mia!"

Nicole said...

Oh, remembering the days of going dancing with Steven. He does dance kinda funny, but atleast he would get out there and dance. That was a long time ago. Seems like a different life, a different time. kinda fun to think back on those days though. Steven, if Nadia first saw you dancing, and still ended up marrying you, you should be thanking the stars forever!!!! Looks like you guys are having lots of fun back East

Natalie said...

Loved reading all your little details Nadia! So glad we're friends!