Saturday, December 19, 2009

It's begining to look a lot like Christmas

Today we woke up with a few inches
of snow, Mia was so excited to see it so she decided to go outside. I was lazy to dress her up so I just put on her boots and coat and let her out on our patio. She was having so much fun however most likely cold, so I dress her properly and she went again, she enjoys the snow even thought we don't get to much here in Md. The most I'd ever seen (20 inches)
How many times I heard about white Christmas growing up and never understood why until I spent my first Christmas in Utah, we don't have white xmas in Peru because it's summer and still don't get why we drink hot chocolate in xmas dinner but I love it anyway.
So this year we are gonna spend Christmas here at home, it will be our second xmas by ourselves and first since we had kids, we are looking forward for this one, it's gonna be interesting because we are gonna combine 2 traditions, in Peru we have dinner at midnight in xmas eve and after dinner you open your gifts , since Santa doesn't make it that far, we wait for Los Reyes Magos (Wise man) on January 6th for more gifts and here we have dinner in xmas eve, go to bed early and wake up super early to see what Santa brought you, I like both traditions Santa and Wise man, specially because you get presents from both. Probably we'll do an early dinner since we don't get to open presents after dinner so what's the point of staying up late, in xmas day they are getting a gift from Santa ( and maybe from family and friends) and then January 6th the Wise man will drop some gifts for them. That way we don't have to deal with big lines and some crazy people at the store and since everything goes on sale after xmas the Reyes Magos may afford some gifts for them.
In that way this month we are gonna try to focus in the birth of Christ and what we can give him, I know it's going to be a little hard but if we are consistent it will work and we'll learn that Christmas it's the time to give and celebrate Christ birth.

Hoy nos levantamos con algunas pulgadas de nieve, Mia muy emocionada salio a jugar. Supuestamente para la noche llegara a 20 pulgadas (50 cm)
Esta navidad la vamos a pasar en casa, sin nuestra familia en Peru o Utah, sera interesante porque vamos a tratar de combinar 2 tradiciones, la peruana y americana, como ya saben los peruanos acostumbramos a cenar a medianoche en nochebuena tomar chocolate caliente con paneton, umm que rico (aunque no entiendo porque chocolate caliente haciendo tanto calor pero me gusta mucho), despues de cenar abrimos los regalos y el 6 de enero vienen los Reyes Magos con mas regalos, los americanos cenan temprano, se van a dormir y se levantan temprano para ver que les trajo Santa Claus.
Nuestro plan es de cenar temprano, claro tomaremos chocolate caliente con paneton, al levantarnos Santa nos dejara un regalo y dias despues los Reyes nos traeran mas regalos. Asi podemos comprar mas cosas ya que despues de navidad todo esta en oferta.
Y de esta manera nos enfocaremos este mes en la celebracion del Nacimiento de Jesus.


Natalie said...

Wish we were there to play with you!

Nicole said...

Great post. I am with you on focussing on the birth of Christ this Holiday season. I am really excited for you to move out our way. It is a little out of the way, but close enough for us to hang out quite a bit. Maybe meet up at Disney Land once a month or something too. Sorry I haven't commented on you blog recently. I always love reading your blog and seeing your pictures of your little girls.

Nicole said...

this is nikki-i just can't believe santa can't make it to peru. that is just wrong :) but I love the whole idea focusing on jesus, sometimes you get so crazy thinking of all the stuff going on you forget what is really important!

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