Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Family Pictures

I didn't think that taking family pictures can be so stressful, we couldn't make Mia sit still for longer than 5 seconds, our solution to this was Chocolate, Ella was pretty good until she got hungry and sleepy, anyway the pictures turn out pretty good thanks to the patient photographer.


Natalie said...

Way cute! Where did you have them taken?

Sheena said...

I think the pictures turned out GREAT because you're such a beautiful family! We're taking our family pictures soon...any tips? I'll have to bring chocolate, right?!

Stephen said...

Natalie- at JC Penney
Sheena- yes chocolate and next time We'll do it in the morning, we did this in the afternoon after Mia took a nap but she wasn't in a good mood.

Nicole said...

Cute girls. Fun to see what you guys are up to. Are you going to Utah during Christmas?

ash said...

These photos are great. You guys are one cute fam.